
Showing posts from November, 2020

Urinating in baby's bed

  Are you also bothered by the habit of urinating in baby's bed?  So adopt this remedy now                Translate by,. herbealth vnsi It is natural for a child to urinate in bed when she is younger.  But as the child grows older, urinating in bed at night is a concern for the child as well as the parents.  Fortunately in most children this question is not due to any kidney disease.  This problem is not a disease in which a child does not intentionally urinate in bed.  Therefore, rather than threatening or enraging the child, treatment of this question begins with sympathetic care.  To change the habit of consuming fluids and urinating, to give the child understanding and encouragement at the beginning of treatment. बच्चे के छोटे होने पर बिस्तर में पेशाब करना स्वाभाविक है।  लेकिन जैसे-जैसे बच्चा बड़ा होता जाता है, रात में बिस्तर पर पेशाब करना बच्चे के साथ-साथ माता-पिता के लिए भी चिंता का विषय होता है। ...